NARECHEM-ST, a specialized childhood cancer registry, was created in respond to the need for readily available nationwide registration data serving surveillance purposes. Linked to the registration is a database including etiological research variables derived from hospital-based case control studies run in parallel to the registration and a clinical database entailing information on diagnostic methods, level of risk, treatment, follow-up and long-term consequences provided by treating personnel aiming at outcome research on children suffering from the most common types of childhood cancer. Collection of biological samples, facilitated by physicians, in most of cases further enhances the potential for contributions to international collaborations aiming to explore the interplay of genetic and environmental risk factors in the causation of childhood malignancies.
Our ultimate goal is to provide information to the public and the scientific community on the incidence and time trends of the disease in addition to contributing to the elucidation of the etiology of common childhood cancers. International comparisons in disease occurrence and outcomes are of prime interest along with identification of treatment and non-treatment related interventions aiming at improving survival and quality of life among childhood cancer survivors. So far, data collected by NARECHEM-ST can also be used for shaping national prevention strategies targeting modifiable risk factors as well as for the reduction of treatment related sequelae. Of special interest is to disentangle adverse impacts of socioeconomic differentials and single parenthood in survival and other end points of the disease.
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Future plans include: